
フェイスブックやインスラグラムにライブビデオ機能が導入されると、頻繁にブランドプロモーションに用いられるフォーマットになりました。香港のヘルスケア商品や化粧品のチェーンストアSasa Cosmeticsは毎週何本かのフェイスブックライブを放映しています。一連のビデオではビューティに関する知識をシェアしながら同時に店頭で行われるプロモーションについても紹介することで、平均して数千から数万の視聴数を集めています。
【社交媒體直播】隨住科技進步,影片已經逐漸成為品牌宣傳嘅主要方法,特別係網上影片,唔單止可以吸引到更加多click rate, reach 同討論度,亦可以更全面同準確咁去表達品牌message。近幾年因為Facebook/Instagram Live嘅出現,網上直播影片都先後成為各品牌嘅其中一種宣傳手法。例如莎莎Facebook page每個禮拜就有平均幾次嘅直播提供一啲美容知識同產品促銷,觀看人數都有幾千至幾萬人。一齊睇睇SNS live video有乜好處先~
- 內容update,因為係live,講嘅嘢當然係最新
- 有互動, live嘅主持人通常都會即時同觀眾嘅留言對話,當然比起齋睇有趣得多
- 感覺較真實,比起預錄影片,live帶俾人一種真實同親切感
- 製作上比較有彈性,未必需要下下成隊crew,前期、後期一大堆嘢
- 內容多樣化,可以夾marketing plan嘅空間比較大,仲可以配合網上商店刺激銷售
- 為品牌形象增加親切感,同時可以即時知道顧客反應
- 邀請網絡紅人直播宣傳或試用產品(開箱片)
- 直播talk show,軟性銷售產品特色
- Q & A,直接現場介紹產品同埋回答觀眾問題
- Live only,特別內容加promotion網上直播限定
- 新產品live優先曝光
- 直播品牌event,俾觀眾新鮮同真實感,又或者一啲behind the scene花絮
雖然普遍太長嘅網上影片通常比較難留著觀眾睇晒,但係live online video可以俾到一種近似互動電視嘅體驗,又比互動電視多咗一份親切感,所以長度唔駛限得咁嚴。科技發展越嚟越快為我哋帶嚟好多轉變,如果你對今次嘅主題有興趣或者想就你嘅生意知道一啲marketing嘅發展空間,嚟揾我哋傾傾。【Social Media Live Broadcast】As our technology is advancing as days go by, video has gradually gained a more important role in marketing and advertising especially for online platforms, it does not only attract more click rate, reach and discussion value, also it is a more comprehensive way to express brands’ message with preciseness.Since Facebook and Instagram introduced Live Video function it became one of the most used formats for online brand promotions. For example Sasa Hong Kong, a health and cosmetic chain store has started doing Facebook live a few times per week, and it has been going on for a while, they would share beauty knowledge and promote their products at the same time, their average views ranged from a few thousands to a few ten thousands.Let’s take a look at the advantages SNS live video is able to offer –
From audiences’ point of view:
– The contents are up-to-date, because it is a live broadcast, they offer latest information
– Great interaction chances, the host of the videos usually respond to the audiences’ comments in real time
– Comparing to pre-recorded videos, live videos feel more real for audiencesFrom brand marketers’ point of view:
– Production requirement is more flexible, it usually doesn’t require a big crew to do it and it doesn’t need a lot of preparations and no post production stage.
– A much wider range of content ideas could be done with the help of live broadcast and SNS channels, and because of the shorten production time, it is easier to match with the marketing plans, or to cooperate with online stores to stimulate sales
– To increase brand affinity with the consumers, and is able to witness their reaction at the same timeBesides advantages, there is always something to worry about, promotion of the video is required beforehand so that people know about it and tune in, what if there are only a few audiences joining the live broadcast, or some mistake and unexpected things happen during the broadcast and affect the performance of the host. However, for online live videos, it is all about the content, not the image perfect production, and audiences tend to be more tolerant towards live videos. Now let’s take a look at some of the suggesting topics:1. Influencer marketing, live broadcast on product review and try-on
2. Video recurring talk show, taking a soft selling approach by discussing about the products during the show
3. Q & A, answering questions and comments in real time
4. Live only special, exclusive contents and promotion for broadcasting period only
5. New product sneak peek
6. Broadcasting brand events, behind the scene section for a fresh and realistic approachAlthough longer online videos are usually harder to retain the attention of the audiences to stay, in the case of live online videos it could be a totally different story, because it has the characteristic of interactive TV show with greater intimacy between the host and the audiences, in this case the length of the video might not be their main concern anymore. The development of technology is advancing every minute, it has a tremendous effect on many aspects of our behavior, if you are interested in our topics or you are eager to hear more about how the changes of marketing alter your business, call and have a chat with us.#tya #hk #design #solution #upgrading #marketing #creative #advertising #socialmedia #facebooklive #instagramlive