A Warm Welcome To Our Digital Age Z世代からデジタルの時代へようこそ(2)

The other day, I texted my friend on Facebook asking him what brand of chocolate milk he always drank. He said the brand was called Yazoo. Two days later, I was scrolling through my Instagram feed and came across a Yazoo chocolate milk sponsored advertisement. At first glance, I was shocked and slightly scared. I was texting my friend on private messenger on Facebook, how on earth did Instagram read that? Was Facebook reading my messages in order to collect data for marketing strategies without my permission? It had come to my attention that social media wasn’t as secure as I thought.
先日、友人にフェイスブックのメッセンジャーで「あなたがいつも飲んでいるチョコレートミルクのブランドはなに?」と尋ねたところ、友人は「Yazooだよ」と教えてくれました。その2日後、私は自分のインスタのフィードを閲覧していたところ、ちょうどYazoo Chocolate Milkの広告が目に入ってきました。「えっ、」最初それを見た時、驚き、同時にちょっと怖くなりました。私は友人にメッセンジャーのプライベートメッセージを送った筈なのに、何故その内容をインスタが知り得る事があるのだろうかと疑問に思いました。ファイスブックやインスタは、断りもなく私のデーターを勝手に読み取りそれをマーケティングとして利用しているのかと思うと同時に怒りを覚えました。その時、私は、ソーシャルメディアは自分が思っていたほど安全ではないものだとわかってきました。
In 2013, a new application called Ask.fm became very famous in my secondary school. It became famous very fast because it was an anonymous question and answering platform. This meant you could ask any question you wanted to anyone without people knowing who you were. At first, it was sweet because people were giving anonymous compliments to each other and it ended up becoming a platform where people were able to confess their feelings to their elementary school crush. However, this application took a downturn very fast. People realized they could send hate messages to each other without facing any consequences. After all, it was anonymous. The young age restriction on the application had allowed many children to become vulnerable to cyberbullying. Most young teenage girls in my school had experienced some kind of cyberbullying on Ask.fm and eventually the app was banned in our school.
In that same year, I uploaded my first ever YouTube video. During music class in school, I spotted one of my good friends dancing with his earphones plugged into his laptop. I thought he looked silly because no one else could hear the music he was listening to. I decided to secretly film him on my laptop and surprise him with a video. I edited the video and added funny subtitles before asking for his permission to upload the video onto youtube. Not long after the video was posted, my school found out and I got into lots of trouble. I got in trouble because the youtube video had “threatened the image of our school”. At the time I thought it was funny and I never thought that it was going to be an issue as I had a permission from my friend. However, the school had said it had become a big problem. From this bitter experience, I had learned how important it was to be fully aware and responsible for what you post. It’s crucial to keep in mind whether you like it or not, everything you post is available to the rest of the world and will remain permanent on your record.
同じ頃、私は生まれて初めて You tubeに動画を投稿しました。音楽の時間に私の親しい友人が、ラップトップに接続しているイヤフォンを聴きながら、面白いダンスをしているのを目にしました。私は音楽が聞けないため、友人のダンスがとてもおかしかったので、悪気もなく動画に撮り、編集して、本人に承諾を得た上で面白いタイトルをつけて YouTubeに投稿しました。数日後、学校より呼び出しがあり私の投稿したYouTube が大きな問題になりました。この苦い経験から学んだ事は、自分の投稿したコンテンツを十分に認識し、その内容に対して責任をとるという事でした。そして、とても重要な事は、好む好まざるに関わらず一度投稿してしまったコンテンツは、ほぼ永久的に私の記録として残ってしまうという事実です。
For most of my life I have been online and I have experienced the consequences of social media. I have learned that most of our messages and posts were being monitored, therefore it is always important to think twice before sending anything to anyone. Some companies may check your social media history, therefore it is important to be aware of your reputation online. I have also learned that cyberbullying is a growing issue particularly amongst young people. Thus, it is important for schools to arrange lessons for children, educating them about online safety. Using social media comes with great responsibilities, as long as you’re aware of the risks, I guarantee you will have an enjoyable experience.