Seirogan is one of the most iconic and trusted brands in Hong Kong. For many years, it has been a staple in countless households, and we are honored to contribute to its legacy. Have you ever used Seirogan? Continue reading “Seeds of Marketing 27: Seirogan – The Trust of a 100-Year-Old Brand 💊”
Seeds of Marketing 26: Why Supplements Keep Attracting People Repeatedly 💊
The supplement market continues to grow, even in Hong Kong, where traditional Chinese medicine enjoys enduring popularity. Last year, NMN-based products captured the spotlight, but this year, probiotics have taken center stage. With their promise of supporting gut health, aiding digestion, and Continue reading “Seeds of Marketing 26: Why Supplements Keep Attracting People Repeatedly 💊”
香港で暮らしていて驚くことの一つが、鍵にまつわる便利さです。「スペアキー作りたいなぁ」と思ったら、どこにでもある小さなお店へGO!🔑✨ 店内には古びた機械が置かれていて、おじさんやおばさんがチャチャチャッと職人技で数分で作ってくれます。しかもそのお値段、驚くほど安い。日本だったら「え、こんなに安くていいの?」とびっくりするかもしれません。
Seeds of Marketing 25: LUSH’s Strategy to Withdraw from Social Media

LUSH’s Bold Decision to Leave Social Media
Despite the fact that social media engagement significantly contributed to its sales, LUSH made the bold decision to withdraw from social media in order to protect the environment for “living healthily.” Continue reading “Seeds of Marketing 25: LUSH’s Strategy to Withdraw from Social Media”
Seeds of Marketing 24: A Notorious Failure in the Internet Era: The United Airlines Guitar Incident

The Internet Era: Where Corporate Missteps Are Exposed Instantly 🌐⚡
In the age of the internet, a company’s missteps can be brought to light in an instant. One iconic example of this is the 2008 United Airlines guitar incident 🎸✈️. While it happened some time ago, this case still offers valuable lessons about how customer service can impact a brand 📖✨. Continue reading “Seeds of Marketing 24: A Notorious Failure in the Internet Era: The United Airlines Guitar Incident”
この鋭い刃先の忍び返し。見るからに「来るな!」と言わんばかりの威圧感がありますよね。🏠🔪 こんなものを見てしまったら、泥棒だって思わず足を止めてしまうのではないでしょうか。私も初めて見たとき、「これ、日本にもあればいいのに!」と思わずつぶやいてしまいました。
Seeds of Marketing 23: “The Pros and Cons of In-House Production”
The Growing Trend of In-House Production
“In-house production” has become a hot topic in the modern business world. The trend of “let’s do everything internally!” is gaining momentum 🏢💻. While in-house production offers many advantages, it also comes with unexpected pitfalls. Let’s dive into the “good” and “bad” sides of in-house production! 🙌✨ Continue reading “Seeds of Marketing 23: “The Pros and Cons of In-House Production””
Seeds of Marketing 22: “The Future of Copywriters”
【香港図鑑21】瓦礫を運びだせ! ~スクラップの現場から~
香港の街を歩くと、あちこちで取り壊しの現場に出くわす。いや、正直、これが日常風景なのだ。ビルの解体が始まると、あっという間に建物が姿を消し、瓦礫の山ができる。その瓦礫をどうするか? 答えはシンプル。道路に置かれた産廃コンテナにどんどん放り込んでいく。