

1970年代のJALが発行した香港PRポスターは、時代の空気を切り取ったような一枚のアートです。セピア色のトーンが漂うそのデザインは、現代のきらびやかな香港とは異なり、どこか懐かしく温かな情緒を感じさせます。現代の香港ももちろん魅力的ですが、そんなポスターが描く「これぞ香港!」という風景に心を惹かれます。 Continue reading “香港図鑑(12)【古き良き香港】”

Seeds of Marketing 13: Finding the Winning Pattern

The Ultimate Flyer Born from Trial and Error: chocoZAP’s Strategy

chocoZAP embodies the essence of “trial and error” in marketing. At the core of their advertising strategy lies a relentless cycle of testing in flyer production. Every element—design, size, theme, featured content, photos, and the presentation of information—is meticulously adjusted as they create thousands of variations. They collect and analyze data on the response to each flyer, measuring their effectiveness. This persistent “test, test, and test again” approach ultimately leads to the creation of the “ultimate winning version” that resonates most with their target audience. Continue reading “Seeds of Marketing 13: Finding the Winning Pattern”




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Seeds of Marketing 12: “Co-opetition”

From Competition to Co-creation: The Importance of Co-opetition

The relationship between competing companies is not solely about “competition.” The concept of “co-opetition” blends competition and cooperation, allowing rival companies to collaborate in specific areas. For example, while Apple and Samsung compete in the smartphone market, Samsung is also a key supplier of semiconductors for iPhones. This kind of relationship creates new opportunities that go beyond mere competition. Continue reading “Seeds of Marketing 12: “Co-opetition””




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Seeds of Marketing (11): “Competitive Research”

The Importance of Identifying Competitors’ Strengths and Weaknesses

Analyzing competitors’ strengths and weaknesses by examining their social media, advertisements, websites, and physical stores is an essential step in growing your own business. Observing how competitors promote their products and interact with customers provides valuable insights. Continue reading “Seeds of Marketing (11): “Competitive Research””


香港の人たちは本当にキャラクター好きで知られています。街を歩けば、アニメやマンガのキャラクターがあちこちで目に入りますが、その愛され方はただの流行を超えて、文化の一部になっていると言っても過言ではありません。例えば、ドラえもんは香港での人気が非常に高く、もう単なるアニメキャラクターという域を超えて「アート」の存在になりつつあります。 Continue reading “香港図鑑(9)【キャラクター好きな香港人】”

Seeds of Marketing 10: “Piggyback Advertising”

What If Japanese Convenience Stores Used Piggyback Advertising?

The advertising rivalry between Burger King and McDonald’s is a great example of how piggyback advertising, or leveraging a competitor’s campaign for your own benefit, can be used effectively. When McDonald’s launched an ad asking, “What’s the most iconic burger in the world?”, Burger King swiftly responded with, “So, which one is the biggest?” This kind of witty exchange keeps consumers engaged and adds an element of fun to brand competition. Continue reading “Seeds of Marketing 10: “Piggyback Advertising””

Seeds of Marketing 9 : Customer Benefits

Balancing Functional and Emotional Value in Product Benefits

When communicating a product’s appeal, striking a balance between “functional value” and “emotional value” is key. Functional value highlights the tangible benefits and effectiveness of the product, while emotional value evokes the satisfaction and self-confidence gained from using it. By integrating both aspects, customers are drawn to a product through both logic and emotion. Continue reading “Seeds of Marketing 9 : Customer Benefits”