等我哋一齊聽吓,同時並用日文同廣東話嚟幫手搞呢嗰 event 嘅TYA成員Charlotte,有啲咩感想先!
「如果要揀一個 term 嚟總結成件事嘅話,我會話喺『文化接觸』。
雖然平時响TYA,每日都已經聯合國咁款 —— 同事 intern 仲有我哋啲客,基本喺嚟自五湖四海,但响今次呢嗰 project 仍然受到唔少文化衝擊。
除咗大家都知嘅,跟日本人合作嗰陣一定會更加注重細節呢點之外(亦都託賴呢點,成嗰 event 喺超級準時咁結束),仲有一啲好有趣嘅例子。譬如我哋周不時都會跟香港益力多高層講,『醒獅點睛唔同日本嘅達磨㗎,你要點晒兩隻眼㗎,唔好淨喺畫一隻眼呀』。



From 1968 when Hong Kong was still in its way of development, Yakult has already come to this land and been devoting a lot to the locals’ health improvement. Being strongly loved and welcomed by HK people for 50 years, Yakult now daily delivers millions of their products to HK.
On Sep 29th, to celebrate this gorgeous 50th anniversary of Yakult,we TYA got the great honour to participate and support during the whole process from the event planning, execution, venue arrangement, coordination of entertaining activities, guest reception to the design of presenting logos and movies.
Lets check how TYA member Charlotte felt when using both Japanese and Cantonese to ensure this event going smoothly!
「If I am to conclude this whole journey in one term, “intercultural communication” would be my pick.
While being in TYA HK, we do get involved into cross-cultural interaction already —with all our colleagues, interns, as well as other clients from all walks of life, local or overseas— on a daily basis, the cultural challenges coming from this project is still in an overwhelming amount.
Other than paying minute attention to details, a typically anticipated chore when collaborating with Japanese (which is good actually, as this made it possible to complete the rundown sharp on time), the fact that we had been reminding Yakult HK’s management staff from time to time, that they shall dot both of the lion’s eyes during the lion-awakening ritual, instead of just one eye like in Daruma doll’s case, should explain well how all these challenges had emerged from.
Hence throughout the entire journey did I always recall two good old morals: not to take things granted, and question everything to learn something. Definitely grateful to have gone through this one of a kind experience.」
At the end of the event, the general manager gave TYA members a special comment saying that your spirit of teamwork as a whole is so powerful. Also, after event all the staffs in charge enjoyed a great time together. This is such a highly honours project!
Happy 50th anniversary, Yakult HK!