お待たせしました! Z世代インタビュー企画第3弾! 今回は僕と同い年(誕生日も4日しか変わらないんです!)の香港理工大学2年生ライアンくんにインタビューしてきました!それではさっそく本題に行ってみましょう!!
代わりに友だちの日常を見るときはInstagramを使うそうです。日本と同じで結構 Instagramを更新する人は多いみたいですね。
YouTubeではACGと呼ばれる日本発のアニメやゲーム実況を見たりするそうです。ACGはアニメ・コミック・ゲームの頭文字を取ったものです。日本のサブカル文化は香港でもめちゃくちゃ人気ですね。他にもApple Dailyというニュースを取り扱っているチャンネルなども見ているそうです。
インタビューは以上です! 個人的に彼の着ているパーカーめっちゃ好きなんでもし香港で売ってるならお土産に買って帰ろうかなって思ってます。でも日本じゃなかなか恥ずかしくて着られへんやなろなぁ…
Vala! Here is our Z generation interview the third volume! This time I interviewed Ryan 2nd year at Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He is the same age as me! (the birthday also changes only 4 days!) So then let’s begin!
Young people in Hong Kong also care about privacy!
Like other Hongkongers, Ryan uses also whats app as the main way of reaching people. WhatsApp appeared together when smartphone appeared, so every generation of Hongkongers use it as a must-APP. If LINE first appeared, it would have been LINE that is mainly used in Hong Kong. SNS is the first-come-first-served market.
Also, Ryan seems to be interacting with friends not only with WhatsApp but also with an application called “Telegram”. “Telegram” is an APP that is not familiar to Japanese people. I also heard for the first time this time.
Ryan said, “Telegram has the good part that WhatsApp does not have. Telegram is one of the messaging APP that has two major differences from Whatsapp. The first one is to be able to use the APP without having to tell the phone number. I will use telegram when I do not want to share my personal information with. The second benefit is not displayed online status. Since WhatsApp shows the online status, sometimes it courses problems like “Why are not you replying to me even though you are online?”
Well, yes, the human relationship is difficult …
Facebook is for socializing, getting information. Instagram is for peeping peer’s private life. YouTube is like the alternative TV. But the recent posting on these social media has become a hassle …
It seems that Ryan mainly uses Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube to collect information. After all, it was Facebook that I felt it is very different from how Japanese people use Facebook. Ryan seems to be checking recent trends and new products from corporates. It seems to be playing a role like Twitter in Japan.
In the past, I often posted pictures and posts I took, but the current timeline seems to be full of advertisements. I also told him that it is quite the same as the situation of Twitter in Japan. It is troublesome to post everyone recently, regardless of the social platforms.
Instagram is used for checking friends’ photos and lives. It sounds that there relatively more people update Instagram than other social platforms.
He also uses YouTube to watch ACG. ACG is the initial letter of animation, comic, game of Japan. Japan’s subculture is also very popular in Hong Kong. Also, he is checking “Apple Daily” dealing with the news.

* His favourite YouTuber! “Hajime-Shyacho” is very popular YouTuber in Japan. It is surprising that young Hongkonger is watching his channel too!