香港Z世代コミュニケーション物語⑴ ( JP/EG )





【第1回 エディスさん (大学生)】(トップ画像)























<English Translation>


This time, we are going to launch a brand new series of “social media situations in Hong Kong”!
Do people in Japan and Hong Kong play with their phone in the trains, school and café, don’t they?


Then, what do Hong Kongers do on their phone?
Today, we invited one local university student and have an interview.
Thank you very much for participating our interview

[Edith, University Student, 20] ( Photo at the top)


What is Hong Kong style “LINE”?

Hong Konger uses “WhatsApp” instead of using “LINE”. People talk and text with family and friends directly through “WhatsApp”. It is the same usage of “LINE” in Japan. She always checks “WhatsApp” first when she uses her smartphone for free time.

Why Don’ t you use WeChat in Hong Kong?

People usually use WeChat in mainland China, but Hong Kong also has a different culture in terms of social media usage. However, people over 30 years old often use WeChat to communicate with the relatives and friends in mainland China. There must be the history of immigration from mainland China to Hong Kong. WeChat has actually a lot of cute stickers!


Is Twitter popular in Hong Kong?

In her case, she often checks her Facebook. She uses FB like people in Japan check timeline on Twitter. People get the trends and information, such as short videos, popular photos and funny video on FB. In Hong Kong, FB is actually started to be used by her parent generation to find their old school mates. That’s why secondary school students hesitate to use FB because their parents also use FB and check their children. University students gradually start to communicate with society through FB, such as their society promotion.

However, it does not mean she does not use Twitter at all!

She actually uses Twitter as well. In general, people do not usually use Twitter on a daily basis, but she gets the trendy information, such as anime and celebrities from Japan and Korea. It is quite interesting to differentiate to use depending on the information she wants to get. By the ways, she also uses “Weibo” to get news of Chinese celebrities. But she said this is pretty rare to do it.

Instagram is the place to share among close friends!

People like to post words with pictures or short video, not only words in Hong Kong, as well as Japan. IG is very popular among youngsters but it can be more private social media for her because we need to post with pictures or short videos. Therefore, it is more limited friends allowance then Facebook.

I watch YouTube everyday!

She watches YouTube a lot. She personally likes to watch drama or the video from Youtubers. People also like to follow foreign YouTubers around the world, not only YouTubers in Hong Kong. YouTube is super popular among younger generations recently in Japan and the same situation in Hong Kong!
How do you think about our interview? We are going to continue the interview with locals in Hong Kong in person and keep writing an article like this. Do they have a different usage for social media depending on their gender and ages? We are excited to know more about it as well ☺
Thank you, see u around!
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