香港Z世代コミュニケーション物語⑵ ( JP/EG ) 







【第2回 ドナルドくん (大学生)】

やっぱり基本は “WhatsApp”







ドナルドくんの個性はとにかく強烈でした。インタビュー自体も日本語で行ったくらい日本語はペラペラ!それもそのはず日本のアイドルが大好きらしいです。そんなドナルドくんはDMM yellCHEERZという普通の日本人には馴染みのないようなアイドル用のSNSも使っているそう。まあつながれるならアイドルとつながりたい…とか思ったり。


ドナルドくんが一番最初に始めたSNSはFacebookで、小学4~5年生ごろのことだそう。ただそのきっかけが意外でした。なんでそんな小さい時から始めたのかと質問すると、ゲームのために始めたらしいです。ん?ゲームのため??そう、ゲームのためです(笑)。当時香港ではHappy Farmというゲームが爆発的にはやっていた?らしく、そのゲームを始めるためにはFacebookのアカウントが必要だったらしいです。彼いわく、50%以上の香港人そのゲームがきっかけでFacebookを始めたと言っていました。今後も調査していきましょう(笑)。




ドナルドくんの中で一番お気に入りのYouTuberは “はじめしゃちょー” だそう。その他は音楽を聴いたり、ゲーム実況を見たり…日本人とさほど変わらない使い方ですね!香港のローカルYouTuberはあまりいないらしいです。やはりアジアの中ではやはり日本は文化の発信地と言えるのかもしれませんね。







(English ) 

It is the second interview to explore the situation of SNS in Hong Kong!

It was Donald who received the interview this time. Anyway, everyone in Hong Kong has an English name? I sometimes encounter a person with a name like a bizarre name, is there such a concept? Although I am also kind of wanting a cool English name, I rather not.

Because I am sure that my friends will definitely make fun of it when I go back to Japan so!


【2nd interview – Donald (University student)】



After all, WhatsApp

Although you may think it is common and stop mentioning again, he interacts with his friends and his family mainly using WhatsApp. Do not you use a regular phone with your family? As I asked, he said “I also use WhatsApp” it is because his parents can not use the phone when his parents are working.

I have no idea whether it is a Hong Kong style to contact with family and friends all the time in working hours, or it is a polite way to prevent them to use their phone and disturb other people in their office?

 It seems normal to download WhatsApp as soon as you buy a smartphone. He told that he bought the first smartphone when he was a junior high school student, and when he was in junior high school, both smartphone and social network, which was WhatsApp, were already normal in Hong Kong. It seems that in hong kong, the smartphone and the social media were developed a little earlier than Japan.



Overwhelming Japanese love? Otaku?

Donald’s personality was so unique anyway. He can speak Japanese so fluently that we can do the interview in Japanese! It is supposed to be that he loves idols in Japan. Donald uses SNS for idle which is not familiar to ordinary Japanese named DMM yell and CHEERZ. Well if I can connect with idols I can start such social networks.



How did you start Facebook, it’s surprising

The social network that Donald started the first is Facebook, it seems to be about 4th to 5th-grade elementary school. It was a surprise to me. He started using Facebook from when he was so younger because he wanted to start the game. Hmm? For games? What? Yes, it is for games (lol). The game named Happy Farm exploding at that time in Hong Kong and It was necessary to have a Facebook account to start the game. He says that more than 50% of people said that the game started playing Facebook on a trigger. Let’s investigate in the future (XD).



On YouTube, he only watches YouTuber in Japan!

His most favourite YouTuber is “Hajimeshacho” Japanese YouTuber. Besides, listening to music, watching the game commentary and so on. It is not much different from Japanese people! He thinks there is few local Hong Kong local YouTuber. In Asia, it can be said that Japan is the place of culture or pioneer.



The image of Japan is “cool”

It seems that Donald’s idea of Japan is cool. From his viewpoint, who belongs to the department of Japanese Studies, people who are studying Japan or Japanese culture tend to download the APP that can connect to Japanese social networks, but it seems that they often leave them alone on the phone after installation.

He said that keeping Japanese social media APP on their smartphone seems to be cool to him and his classmate so then, many of to them are doing so!