Seeds of Marketing 9 : Customer Benefits

Balancing Functional and Emotional Value in Product Benefits

When communicating a product’s appeal, striking a balance between “functional value” and “emotional value” is key. Functional value highlights the tangible benefits and effectiveness of the product, while emotional value evokes the satisfaction and self-confidence gained from using it. By integrating both aspects, customers are drawn to a product through both logic and emotion.

1. Examples of Balancing Functional and Emotional Value

Example 1: Skincare Products

  • Functional Value: “Infused with hyaluronic acid for 24-hour hydration. Smooths and nourishes dry skin.”
  • Emotional Value: “With this cream, your skin becomes irresistibly touchable. Feel confident when people compliment your glowing complexion.”

Example 2: Sportswear

  • Functional Value: “Made with sweat-wicking, quick-dry fabric for maximum comfort during workouts. Stretchable material adapts to every movement.”
  • Emotional Value: “Wearing this gear makes you feel like a professional athlete. You’ll look and feel more confident at the gym.”

Example 3: Premium Chocolate

  • Functional Value: “Crafted with 70% cacao for a rich, intense flavor. Made with high-quality ingredients and meticulous care.”
  • Emotional Value: “Just one bite brings a sense of indulgence. The perfect treat for rewarding yourself after a long day.”

2. Key Points for Balancing Both Aspects

① Clearly Communicate Functional Value

Providing specific data or measurable effects enhances credibility.

  • Example: “Increases skin moisture levels by 3x (based on in-house research).”

② Convey Emotional Value Through Storytelling

Incorporate expressions that help customers envision the experience or outcome of using the product.

  • Example: “Carrying this bag makes you feel like a special, distinguished individual.”

③ Align with the Customer’s Lifestyle

Illustrating how the product fits into their daily life makes the message more relatable.

  • Example: “A quick and effortless energy boost for busy mornings with this drink.”

By using functional value to demonstrate usefulness and emotional value to make customers feel good about using the product, a compelling and resonant message is created.

マーケの種 (9) 「顧客にとってのベネフィット」



1. 機能的価値とエモーショナル価値の両立例


  • 機能的価値:「ヒアルロン酸配合で24時間保湿。乾燥肌をなめらかに整えます。」

  • エモーショナル価値:「このクリームを使えば、触れたくなる肌に。『肌がキレイ』って褒められる自分に自信が持てます。」


  • 機能的価値:「吸汗速乾素材で運動中も快適。伸縮性があり、どんな動きにもフィット。」

  • エモーショナル価値:「このウェアを着れば、まるでプロアスリート気分。ジムでの自分がちょっとカッコよく見える。」


  • 機能的価値:「カカオ70%使用で濃厚な味わい。上質な素材で丁寧に仕上げました。」

  • エモーショナル価値:「一粒食べるだけで贅沢な気分に。頑張った自分へのご褒美にぴったりです。」

2. 両立のポイント

① 機能的価値を明確に伝える


  • 例:「肌の水分量が3倍にアップ(※自社調べ)」

② エモーショナル価値をストーリーで伝える


  • 例:「このバッグを持つと、自分がちょっと特別な存在に感じられる。」

③ 顧客のライフスタイルに寄り添う


  • 例:「忙しい朝でも、このドリンクで手軽にエネルギーチャージ。」
