In Japan, “inbound marketing” has become a well-established sales strategy targeting foreign visitors. However, in its birthplace, the United States, the term refers to a marketing concept that involves attracting customers organically by providing valuable content through websites, social media, and videos.
In Japan, “inbound marketing” has widely been used to describe strategies aimed at attracting inbound tourists. However, it’s fascinating to see how marketing terminology can deviate from its original meaning and take on a unique interpretation in Japan.
That being said, while Japan’s inbound strategy succeeded in increasing the number of foreign visitors, it has also brought new challenges. For example, there are now cases where tourists rely on their domestic service providers during their stay, instances of no-shows, and issues with public manners. These challenges seem to have grown alongside the strategy’s success.
We also cannot overlook the impact on Japanese people themselves. Hotel prices have skyrocketed, making it difficult for Japanese residents to afford accommodations. In tourist areas, services increasingly prioritize foreign visitors, leading to confusion and inconvenience for local residents and domestic travelers. It’s worth noting that tourism GDP accounts for just 6.8% of Japan’s total GDP.
If “cheap tourism” begins to affect Japan’s culture and values, the country should follow an example like Paris, showcasing its culture and history with pride and becoming a source of aspiration. Perhaps the idea of being a “tourism-oriented nation” doesn’t truly suit Japan. Instead, wouldn’t it be better to reclaim the pride of being a “culture- and industry-oriented nation”?
After all, when we speak of “marketing,” it should involve aligning with the needs of the target audience and attracting loyal customers. For those interested in learning more about the original concept of inbound marketing, HubSpot’s website is an excellent resource.
What Is Inbound Marketing? | HubSpot
Inbound marketing is an approach to growing your business by creating and sharing content that resonates with your ideal potential customers, drawing them in and converting them into loyal clients.A Note on Hong Kong
In Hong Kong, there doesn’t seem to be any misuse of the term “inbound marketing” itself. However, on the other hand, methods like inbound marketing or its origin, “one-to-one marketing,” have not been widely adopted. This is likely because building engagement and interaction is not an easy task. As a result, some businesses face challenges such as not knowing who their customers are or why their products are being chosen.
マーケの種 (17) 「インバウンドマーケティング」
マーケティングと呼ぶからにはです。ターゲットオーディエンスのニーズに寄り添い、ロイヤルティーの高い顧客を惹きつけるマーケティング手法=インバウンドマーケケティングについては本家のHub Spot社サイトで学ぶことができます。
香港ではインバウンドマーケティングという言葉そのものが誤用されることはないですね。ただ、一方でインバウンドマーケティングやその源のOne to one marketingといった手法はあまり使われてこなかったようです。エンゲージメントやインタラクションを構築するのは簡単ではないからですね。その結果、顧客の顔が見えない、なぜ当社の商品を選んでいるのかわからないと言った問題点もあるようです。