(Sophie Lam,19 Years Old)
Born and raised in Hong Kong to Japanese and English parents, growing up, I attended an international school in Discovery Bay. Now, I am a first year university student studying in the UK, fortunately given the opportunity to intern at TYA HK over the summer.
私は香港で生まれ育ち、イギリス人と日本人の両親をもっています。高校を卒業するまでは、香港のディスカバリーベイにあるインターナショナルスクールで学び、現在、イギリスの大学1年の過程を終了し、イギリスに住んでいます。今回、幸運にも夏休み期間TYA HKにてインターンとして働く機会を得ることが出来、とても貴重な経験をさせてもらっています。
Born into a culturally diverse background, I often question my self-identity, especially when someone asks me “where are you from?” Truth is, there is no one specific place I can identify myself from. I feel like people should start realizing that it’s okay to have a hybrid identity. Born into an era where globalization is increasing and technology is rapidly advancing, I believe we live in a world where the idea of convenience is taken advantage over. You can connect with people from all over the world in a matter of seconds. Whilst I’m sitting in front of you, chatting to you, and before when we were talking about the movie, I had my phone in my hand simultaneously texting another friend in a different country planning our next meet. I’m not denying the fact I’m caught up in this, but let me tell you, it does get exhausting trying to keep up with this fast-paced digital age.
Every other month a new app is trending, and I’ve got to download several different messaging applications in order to contact different types of people. For example, I use Skype to call my grandparents, WhatsApp only to contact my parents, Facebook messenger to text my friends, oh and don’t forget Snapchat, because in this generation, sending irrelevant photos and texts is much more exciting when it instantly disappears after you open it.
ひと月おきに新しいアプリがトレンドとなり、様々な人達と連絡をとるためにその度新たなアプリをダウンロードします。例えば、私はスカイプを利用して祖父母と連絡をとり、両親とはWhatsApp、友人にはFBのメッセンジャーを利用します。あっ、 Snapchatを忘れてはいけません。私たちの世代は、くだらない意味もない写真や動画を友人とシェアすることをとてもエキサイティングに感じます。そして、時間を過ぎればその内容は消滅し見る事が出来なくなるため、気軽に安心して送れるのも利点です。
Social media gives everyone the opportunity to freely express themselves. Through the choice of endless social platforms, each one with different fascinating functions. Anyone can publicly promote themselves, gaining infinite views and comments from thousands of people from all over the world. Unlimited hours of browsing whatever you want and following hundreds of accounts you like which make up your perfect feed. It honestly sounds like a digital paradise.
I feel lucky to be born during the prime era of social media, however I feel unlucky when a post only gets a small number of likes and comments on Instagram. Instagram has become a platform where I’d only post the picture-perfect moments in my life. Only photos I look really good in, not only average. The more friends and followers, the better. Some people look like they’ve done cosmetic surgery by using photoshop and modifying the already perfect image of themselves. Those people who feel like they constantly need to check their social media is considered a “social media-holic”.
Social media has its advantages and disadvantages. However, it’s important not to let social media consume your entire life. Make sure you are the one in control and you aren’t being controlled by the photos and videos that have been posted. In addition, social media has the power to instantly leak and spread information. Therefore it is important to post and share information that you can handle and take responsibility for. Don’t be mislead by the flood of information, instead properly examine what you read and select the right information before proceeding.
ソーシャルメディアは良い面と同様に悪い面を持ち合わせています。 あなたの人生をソーシャルメディアに奪われないで下さい。あなたが投稿しシェアした写真や動画にコントロールされず、自らがコントロールすべきだと思います。そして、重要なことはソーシャルメディアは瞬時に情報が流出し拡散されてしまいます。自分で責任が持てる情報(写真や動画等)のみ投稿すべきだと思います。また、溢れ出る無数の情報に惑わされず、自分でよくその情報を吟味し選択して行動すべきだと思います。
With that short introduction, I would like to welcome you to our digital age. (Continue)