Seeds of Marketing 16: Is It More Than Just PDCA? Methods for Operational Improvement

■ PDCA Today and Its Future Evolution

“Let’s keep spinning the PDCA cycle at high speed!” You might hear such phrases often, but methods for operational improvement may evolve even further in the future. A predictive process using AI and data analysis might become the mainstream. Imagine a future where AI anticipates problems ahead of time and proposes solutions—if such a reality comes true, the speed and accuracy of operations could improve dramatically.

■ The Basics and Challenges of PDCA

PDCA, which stands for Plan, Do, Check, and Act, is a method for operational improvement through repeated cycles. While it offers the advantage of stable results, some feel it takes “too much time” in fast-paced environments. Particularly in situations where speed is critical, the step-by-step nature of PDCA may not always be the best fit.

■ Why Alternative Methods Are Gaining Attention

Amid these challenges, methods like the “OODA Loop” and “Design Thinking” are gaining traction.

The OODA Loop—Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act—is a process that enables rapid decision-making. Meanwhile, Design Thinking is a method focused on solving problems and fostering innovation from the user’s perspective. These approaches are highly flexible and help enhance adaptability in rapidly changing environments.

■ The Future of Operational Improvement

In the future, alongside PDCA and the OODA Loop, AI-driven “predictive processes” are likely to become more prominent. By automatically detecting issues and suggesting solutions, AI can significantly boost the speed and precision of operational improvements.

That said, every method has its strengths and weaknesses. It is essential to choose the appropriate approach based on the characteristics of your organization and industry and to apply it flexibly. The reliability of PDCA, the speed of the OODA Loop, and the creativity of Design Thinking—understanding and optimizing these unique features will be the key to success.

Which method best fits your organization? As methods for operational improvement continue to evolve, let’s find the approach that works best for you!

■ A Note on Hong Kong

This is just an honest observation, but in Hong Kong, it seems challenging to take the time to systematically and continuously analyze results and use them to plan future strategies. One reason could be the emphasis on short-term results, as well as the high turnover of personnel, making it difficult to maintain consistency. However, adopting a more comprehensive approach to strengthen business may be even more critical in a world where the pace of change is accelerating.

マーケの種(16) PDCAだけじゃない?業務改善の手法今日もPDCAを高速で回す!そんな声が聞こえてきそうですが、業務改善の手法は今後さらに進化するかもしれません。未来では、AIやデータ分析を使った「予測型」の改善プロセスが主流になる可能性があります。AIが問題を先回りして察知し、解決策を提案してくれる――そんな未来が現実になれば、業務のスピードや精度も飛躍的に向上しそうです。





