TYA intern: Yano Hidekazu TYAインターン、矢野くん!1 (EN/JP)

Q. What was the first impression when you found TYA? (Followed by JP)

A. I got the impression that TYA is a small company but working on web advertisement and design that is cutting edge. While I was searching TYA HK’s website, I have started to wonder how they work with such big brands like POCARI SWEAT, and other famous brands in Japan. “There will be some secrets for the work!” That was the first thought when I get to know TYA.

Q. How was the impression of the first time in Hong Kong?

A. Honestly, I did not know about Hong Kong well, but I knew that it was “the city of the business” somehow. Also, because of the flag of the Hong Kong, the image of “red” was strong in my head at the beginning.
Two other things I have felt when I arrived in Hong Kong. The first one is the heat. And the other one is the smell of the Asia.
While getting off the plane and walking on the no-window boarding bridge, I thought that any “city” looks the same landscape, but when I have landed to Hong Kong, I could feel the unique atmosphere and smell of Asia.
In Japan, there are many people who often confuse “Hong Kong” as “Taiwan”. To be honest, I was the same before I traveled to Taiwan, but the atmospheres in the cities are totally different.
In both cities, I think that the subways are the major means of transportation and that the language shares similar to me as I do not know Chinese, but I think a big difference is that Hong Kong people can use English more. I think that this is a big difference for me who can only speak Japanese and English. Although I could not go to where I am want to be in Taiwan, I have no problem in Hong Kong without 100% certain with destination and I could try to visit random places where the local people recommended or to have the explain the menu details in English.
Also, I think Hong Kong is a feature of two-story rides such as tram and bus. I have heard that it is an influence of British colony.
The wind feels actually very good even in hot weather. I recommend it for anyone visit Hong Kong.
The buildings in Hong Kong. Because of the very expensive land in Hong Kong, buildings are really high.
In Japan, we have the earthquake, so it is rare to see a hospital at 21st floor, or a shopping mall with 15-story!
To be honest, I am scared of rising up by the lift every day. Lol
Talking about the Hong Kong people, I feel that there are many people have positive about going to overseas. It may be because I asked someone who can speak English, but many people said “I was studying abroad” or “I love Japan and going every year”.
I also felt that especially wealthy people in Hong Kong are positively interested in overseas.

Q. How do you feel at TYA now as an Intern?

A. The most thing I have been feeling is that TYA people are working “independent with confident”. Sometimes, they have meetings, but the most of the time, they are working on their computers by themselves. Making the best use of the small number of people, it seems that everyone is working hard with “the ownership in their role”. I also feel that this is the secret to oppose a famous company among a small number of people.

Those who work at TYA are Japanese and Hong Kong people. Their mother tangs are not English, but we use English to communicate. It is fresh for me to hear the three languages fluttering in the office.

Q. What do you want to do in Hong Kong?

A. This is the first time I have got the opportunity to work oversea. I would like to experience many things as possible!
For example, I would like to see the common points and the differences between Hong Kong and Japan.

Mr. Ueki told me that I would be spending my time in Hong Kong as a foreigner. This experience has been different from the other times that I went to other countries as a tourist. If ever I face differences in the ways between the Japanese and the Hong Kongese, I would follow the ways of the Hong Kongese. It may be difficult, but I believe that it is very important to learn about the culture and the lifestyle of those in Hong Kong.

Q. At the end …

A. I am very grateful that I have such chance to work as an intern at TYA. Although there was also tremendous anxiety before I came, thanks to the people include Mr. Ueki, TYA staff, and the local people, and many other people who support me to make this happen. I will do my best for the rest of my intern!

Q. インターン先としてTYAを見つけたとき、どのような印象を受けましたか?
A. 時代の最先端を行くようなWeb広告やデザインをしているような印象を受けました。調べていくうちに、あまり人数の多い企業でないことはわかっていましたが、TYA HKのHPを拝見させてもらった際にPOCARI SWEATをはじめ、日本や世界で有名な企業と取り組んでいるということを知り、少ない人数の中でも有名な企業を相手にする秘訣はなんだろう。そう感じたのが一番でした。

Q. 今回、初めて香港にきたときの印象を教えてください!
A. 今まで正直香港のことを詳しくは知らなかったですが、「ビジネスの街」であることは何となく知っていました。それと香港の地域の旗にもあるからか「赤」というイメージが強かったです。そんな中香港に着き、飛行機を降りたときに二つのことを感じました。一つ目が、暑さ。もう一つが、アジア独特の雰囲気、匂いであることです。飛行機を降りて、ボーディングブリッジ歩いている間というのは、窓も大きなものがなかったりするので、どこの都市も同じような風景だと思いますが、他ではあまり感じたことのない「香港」という雰囲気を感じたような気がしました。


Q. 現在インターンを通してTYAでどんなことを感じていますか?
A. 一番に感じたことは「自分をしっかり持っている」人が多いことです。一日の中で、会議をしていることもありますが、基本的なタスクは自分でPC相手に作業している方が多いです。少ない人数というのをうまく生かし、皆が「当事者意識」を持って頑張っている様子があります。これも少ない人数の中でも有名な企業を相手にする秘訣かと感じています。

Q. 香港で果たしたいことはありますか?
A. たくさん海外に行かせてもらってる中で自分自身、今回のように企業にて働かせてもらう機会は初めてです。そのために、日本との共通点や相違点など、多くのことを経験して帰国したいと思っています。これは植木さんに言っていただいた言葉なのですが、今までの観光客として海外に渡航していた自分とは違い、「自分は外国人である」という意識を持って仕事以外の時間も過ごすように心掛けています。自分が思う日本での常識も香港に来たら香港の常識に従う。難しいことかもしれませんが、香港の文化や生活感を学ぶ上では非常に大事なことだと思っています。

Q. 最後に一言…
A. 今回、ご縁もありTYAでインターンとして実習させていただくことになり、非常にありがたく思っています。渡航前はものすごく不安もありましたが、TYAの植木さんをはじめとするスタッフの方、また現地の人の協力もあり、今は充実した実習ができていると思っています。一つでも多くのことを日本に持って帰れるように、残りの時間も頑張ります。

#ピカピカのインターン#お腹壊してます #それも香港の洗礼
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