Acumenは香港で創業し14年目の若い会社ですが、他社とは 一線を画して高級品質の紙しか取り扱わないため競合することなく顧客を増やしてきたそうです。どんな紙が流行るかよく考慮したうえでセレクトしたという今年の紙のコレクションを見せてくれました。フロス加工の紙、布のような紙、木目の凹凸のある紙など実際に触ってみることができます。イタリア、フランス、ドイツ、日本、韓国、台湾から主に輸入するそうで、品質を一番に考えているので中国産は1枚もまだ取り扱ったことがないそうです。
それぞれの紙の個性が用途や嗜好に合わせて活かされていきますが、特にAcumenの定番の10年間ロングセラーを続けているMORI SILKという紙も見せていただきました。
MORI SILKは日本の王子製紙から輸入している紙で、生産する際に使われている機械は300年以上使い続けているものだそうです。曲げたり折ったりしても割れずしなやかで、蛍光のようなきつい色ではなく、やや淡いクリーム寄りの白なので読み物用の紙としても読みやすく、適度に光沢があり、手触りもシルクのように滑らかです。
I have visited Acumen! It is 15 minutes from Kwun Tong station, there is an industrial building where Acumen is in, there are entrances of “A and B”, but take the other entrance of “C, D, E, F” and it is the 7th floor. When you reach the floor, a stack of papers will welcome you. Even they name it as a cafe that anyone can stop by, it’s also an office so you will have a coffee but not from the menu.
Acumen is fourteen years since it was founded in Hong Kong, but it seems to have increased its customers without hassle competition. It is because that they handle only high-quality papers by focusing on the specific need of the customers.
Also, they showed me this year ‘s paper collection. It is interesting that you can actually touch such special textures such as flossed paper, cloth-like paper, and wood grainy paper. The papers are all imported from Italy, France, Germany, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. Since they are prioritizing its best quality paper, they are not importing even single sheet of paper from China or made in China yet.
The super characteristic papers usually go with specific purposes.
However, they also have the ten years best selling paper called MORI SILK.
MORI SILK is a paper imported from Oji Paper in Japan, they are using paper mill over 300 years. It is very flexible and no cracking when it bends or folds. It is not like fluorescence white, it is somewhat pale creamy white so that it is perfect to make a book too, moderately shiny, and smooth touch like silk.

The name of this paper was given by Acumen. It is only in Acumen that you can buy MORI SILK in Hong Kong!
Although there are only special luxury papers they handle and the price is high too, looking at these special papers and its textures are the nice experience.
If you have hope for paper samples, they would love to give you some, so if you are interested, then why not?
TYA would also like to use some of the papers in the future.
Thank you for Jeff, who is general manager and one of the founders of Acumen, introduced me the products with enthusiasm.
Through the story, I strongly felt Jeff’s love and passion for paper are the foundation of this business.
Thank you very much!