香港の日本食材事情 Japanese food in Hong Kong
この間、ある食品メーカーさんの市場調査をさせていただきました。 香港で純和風な料理の作り方を紹介する場合、どのくらい現地で材料が手に入るのかというものでした。
この間、ある食品メーカーさんの市場調査をさせていただきました。 香港で純和風な料理の作り方を紹介する場合、どのくらい現地で材料が手に入るのかというものでした。
Hello, my name is K and I am an intern at TYA (HK) Limited. I recently visited the location of a commercial shooting and I am writing a two-part article about it.
Hello, my name is K and I’m an intern at TYA (HK) Limited. The other day, I had the opportunity to visit the location where a commercial was shot. Not only was it a valuable experience, but it also made me realize how difficult the actual creative process of an advertisement is. I had been interested in the visual aspects of advertising, such as technology and video editing, but now I feel that I should focus more on the creative aspects, such as conveying a message and making sure that everyone involved is satisfied with the final product.
The other day, I texted my friend on Facebook asking him what brand of chocolate milk he always drank. He said the brand was called Yazoo. Two days later, I was scrolling through my Instagram feed and came across a Yazoo chocolate milk sponsored advertisement.
この間、ある食品メーカーさんの市場調査をさせていただきました。 香港で純和風な料理の作り方を紹介する場合、どのくらい現地で材料が手に入るのかというものでした。
Hello, my name is K and I am an intern at TYA (HK) Limited. I recently visited the location of a commercial shooting and I am writing a two-part article about it.
Hello, my name is K and I’m an intern at TYA (HK) Limited. The other day, I had the opportunity to visit the location where a commercial was shot. Not only was it a valuable experience, but it also made me realize how difficult the actual creative process of an advertisement is. I had been interested in the visual aspects of advertising, such as technology and video editing, but now I feel that I should focus more on the creative aspects, such as conveying a message and making sure that everyone involved is satisfied with the final product.