香港Z世代コミュニケーション物語⑵ ( JP/EG ) 







【第2回 ドナルドくん (大学生)】

やっぱり基本は “WhatsApp”







ドナルドくんの個性はとにかく強烈でした。インタビュー自体も日本語で行ったくらい日本語はペラペラ!それもそのはず日本のアイドルが大好きらしいです。そんなドナルドくんはDMM yellCHEERZという普通の日本人には馴染みのないようなアイドル用のSNSも使っているそう。まあつながれるならアイドルとつながりたい…とか思ったり。


ドナルドくんが一番最初に始めたSNSはFacebookで、小学4~5年生ごろのことだそう。ただそのきっかけが意外でした。なんでそんな小さい時から始めたのかと質問すると、ゲームのために始めたらしいです。ん?ゲームのため??そう、ゲームのためです(笑)。当時香港ではHappy Farmというゲームが爆発的にはやっていた?らしく、そのゲームを始めるためにはFacebookのアカウントが必要だったらしいです。彼いわく、50%以上の香港人そのゲームがきっかけでFacebookを始めたと言っていました。今後も調査していきましょう(笑)。




ドナルドくんの中で一番お気に入りのYouTuberは “はじめしゃちょー” だそう。その他は音楽を聴いたり、ゲーム実況を見たり…日本人とさほど変わらない使い方ですね!香港のローカルYouTuberはあまりいないらしいです。やはりアジアの中ではやはり日本は文化の発信地と言えるのかもしれませんね。







(English ) 

It is the second interview to explore the situation of SNS in Hong Kong!

It was Donald who received the interview this time. Anyway, everyone in Hong Kong has an English name? I sometimes encounter a person with a name like a bizarre name, is there such a concept? Although I am also kind of wanting a cool English name, I rather not.

Because I am sure that my friends will definitely make fun of it when I go back to Japan so!


【2nd interview – Donald (University student)】



After all, WhatsApp

Although you may think it is common and stop mentioning again, he interacts with his friends and his family mainly using WhatsApp. Do not you use a regular phone with your family? As I asked, he said “I also use WhatsApp” it is because his parents can not use the phone when his parents are working.

I have no idea whether it is a Hong Kong style to contact with family and friends all the time in working hours, or it is a polite way to prevent them to use their phone and disturb other people in their office?

 It seems normal to download WhatsApp as soon as you buy a smartphone. He told that he bought the first smartphone when he was a junior high school student, and when he was in junior high school, both smartphone and social network, which was WhatsApp, were already normal in Hong Kong. It seems that in hong kong, the smartphone and the social media were developed a little earlier than Japan.



Overwhelming Japanese love? Otaku?

Donald’s personality was so unique anyway. He can speak Japanese so fluently that we can do the interview in Japanese! It is supposed to be that he loves idols in Japan. Donald uses SNS for idle which is not familiar to ordinary Japanese named DMM yell and CHEERZ. Well if I can connect with idols I can start such social networks.



How did you start Facebook, it’s surprising

The social network that Donald started the first is Facebook, it seems to be about 4th to 5th-grade elementary school. It was a surprise to me. He started using Facebook from when he was so younger because he wanted to start the game. Hmm? For games? What? Yes, it is for games (lol). The game named Happy Farm exploding at that time in Hong Kong and It was necessary to have a Facebook account to start the game. He says that more than 50% of people said that the game started playing Facebook on a trigger. Let’s investigate in the future (XD).



On YouTube, he only watches YouTuber in Japan!

His most favourite YouTuber is “Hajimeshacho” Japanese YouTuber. Besides, listening to music, watching the game commentary and so on. It is not much different from Japanese people! He thinks there is few local Hong Kong local YouTuber. In Asia, it can be said that Japan is the place of culture or pioneer.



The image of Japan is “cool”

It seems that Donald’s idea of Japan is cool. From his viewpoint, who belongs to the department of Japanese Studies, people who are studying Japan or Japanese culture tend to download the APP that can connect to Japanese social networks, but it seems that they often leave them alone on the phone after installation.

He said that keeping Japanese social media APP on their smartphone seems to be cool to him and his classmate so then, many of to them are doing so!


POCARI SWEAT Running Event – Go Run Go Fun


POCARI SWEAT Running Event – Go Run Go Fun

開拓新領域和採取行動是寶礦力水特和TYA的精神。 在此品牌的首場大型跑步活動中,能夠參與logo設計、現場宣傳板的平面設計製作,及社交平台的實時內容發佈是一次美妙的體驗。


POCARI SWEAT RUN CARNIVAL 2017, The Sports Challenge Report!  (19 11 2017)

ご存知の方も多いかと思いますが、TYAもソーシャルメディア、リアルタイムアップロードを担当として参加させて頂いた「Pocari Sweat Run Carnival 2017! @Sience Park」。
(クレメンタイン)がそのイベントで体験することのできた スポーツチャレンジ」のレポートをしたいと思います!(悪天候のため髪の毛も荒れ気味)
I am going to report the “Sports Challenge” in the fun event 「Pocari Sweat Run Carnival 2017! @Sience Park」that TYA also worked with as a social media team.


Mini Basketball( Co-Work Challenge): One person will hold the shooter’s hand and the shooter tries to score a shot with one hand.

Even though I haven’t seen this kind of basketball hoop since elementary,  this was no problem at all for an adult like me!


Mini Rock Climbing: It looked no hassle to me so I had “smug face” already before I have started. XD

As I thought…. It was pretty easy for me after all! This could be much more suit for teens.

Buttle Rope: Buttle by waving the rope higher and longer! I was thinking since other two were really easy, this shouldn’t be too hard for me either so again I was making the 
smug face.


However…., this was actually VERY tough for me who has been living the sedentary style of life for long years. I had the duel with colleague Jerry but it was completely clumsy as you can see in the photo. …

I wonder how come the young people can wave this heavy rope up and down so fast…
Perhaps it is the sign when I seriously need more exercise.

一部ですがスポーツチャレンジ のご紹介でした!
My favourite gift was the wristband! It gave me a motivation for my further sports challenge by myself. This is just a part of the fun event “POCARI SWEAT RUN CARNIVAL 2017”!




ポカリスエットランニングイベント – Go Run GO Fun 支援

TYA は香港にて1998年に創立。数々のブランドの問題解決をお手伝いしてきたクリエイティブ・エージェンシーです。

ポカリスエットランニングイベント – Go Run GO Fun 支援


香港Z世代コミュニケーション物語⑴ ( JP/EG )





【第1回 エディスさん (大学生)】(トップ画像)























<English Translation>


This time, we are going to launch a brand new series of “social media situations in Hong Kong”!
Do people in Japan and Hong Kong play with their phone in the trains, school and café, don’t they?


Then, what do Hong Kongers do on their phone?
Today, we invited one local university student and have an interview.
Thank you very much for participating our interview

[Edith, University Student, 20] ( Photo at the top)


What is Hong Kong style “LINE”?

Hong Konger uses “WhatsApp” instead of using “LINE”. People talk and text with family and friends directly through “WhatsApp”. It is the same usage of “LINE” in Japan. She always checks “WhatsApp” first when she uses her smartphone for free time.

Why Don’ t you use WeChat in Hong Kong?

People usually use WeChat in mainland China, but Hong Kong also has a different culture in terms of social media usage. However, people over 30 years old often use WeChat to communicate with the relatives and friends in mainland China. There must be the history of immigration from mainland China to Hong Kong. WeChat has actually a lot of cute stickers!


Is Twitter popular in Hong Kong?

In her case, she often checks her Facebook. She uses FB like people in Japan check timeline on Twitter. People get the trends and information, such as short videos, popular photos and funny video on FB. In Hong Kong, FB is actually started to be used by her parent generation to find their old school mates. That’s why secondary school students hesitate to use FB because their parents also use FB and check their children. University students gradually start to communicate with society through FB, such as their society promotion.

However, it does not mean she does not use Twitter at all!

She actually uses Twitter as well. In general, people do not usually use Twitter on a daily basis, but she gets the trendy information, such as anime and celebrities from Japan and Korea. It is quite interesting to differentiate to use depending on the information she wants to get. By the ways, she also uses “Weibo” to get news of Chinese celebrities. But she said this is pretty rare to do it.

Instagram is the place to share among close friends!

People like to post words with pictures or short video, not only words in Hong Kong, as well as Japan. IG is very popular among youngsters but it can be more private social media for her because we need to post with pictures or short videos. Therefore, it is more limited friends allowance then Facebook.

I watch YouTube everyday!

She watches YouTube a lot. She personally likes to watch drama or the video from Youtubers. People also like to follow foreign YouTubers around the world, not only YouTubers in Hong Kong. YouTube is super popular among younger generations recently in Japan and the same situation in Hong Kong!
How do you think about our interview? We are going to continue the interview with locals in Hong Kong in person and keep writing an article like this. Do they have a different usage for social media depending on their gender and ages? We are excited to know more about it as well ☺
Thank you, see u around!
 #もっと知りたい #香港の若者 #日本と香港 #差異と共感
#tya #hk #design #solution #upgrading #marketing #creative#advertising

彩虹邨(Choi Hung Estate): 香港インスタ映えスポット Vol. 3(JP/ EG)






インスタスポットとして訪れるのもいいのですが、この公団を散歩して人々の様子を見てみたり、ベンチに腰掛けてみたり、一階にあるこじんまりした商店街を回って、ダンスグループのWorld Orderも訪れた激安老舗の床屋でシャンプーしたりするのも良いのではないでしょうか?

#郊外の香港 #たまにはのんびり訪れよう #Instaspot
#1965HongKongInstituteofArchitectsAnnualAwards #Architects
#tya #hk #design #solution #upgrading #marketing #creative #advertising




Acumenは香港で創業し14年目の若い会社ですが、他社とは 一線を画して高級品質の紙しか取り扱わないため競合することなく顧客を増やしてきたそうです。どんな紙が流行るかよく考慮したうえでセレクトしたという今年の紙のコレクションを見せてくれました。フロス加工の紙、布のような紙、木目の凹凸のある紙など実際に触ってみることができます。イタリア、フランス、ドイツ、日本、韓国、台湾から主に輸入するそうで、品質を一番に考えているので中国産は1枚もまだ取り扱ったことがないそうです。
それぞれの紙の個性が用途や嗜好に合わせて活かされていきますが、特にAcumenの定番の10年間ロングセラーを続けているMORI SILKという紙も見せていただきました。
MORI SILKは日本の王子製紙から輸入している紙で、生産する際に使われている機械は300年以上使い続けているものだそうです。曲げたり折ったりしても割れずしなやかで、蛍光のようなきつい色ではなく、やや淡いクリーム寄りの白なので読み物用の紙としても読みやすく、適度に光沢があり、手触りもシルクのように滑らかです。 

I have visited Acumen! It is 15 minutes from Kwun Tong station, there is an industrial building where Acumen is in, there are entrances of “A and B”, but take the other entrance of “C, D, E, F” and it is the 7th floor. When you reach the floor, a stack of papers will welcome you. Even they name it as a cafe that anyone can stop by, it’s also an office so you will have a coffee but not from the menu.

Acumen is fourteen years since it was founded in Hong Kong, but it seems to have increased its customers without hassle competition. It is because that they handle only high-quality papers by focusing on the specific need of the customers.

Also, they showed me this year ‘s paper collection. It is interesting that you can actually touch such special textures such as flossed paper, cloth-like paper, and wood grainy paper. The papers are all imported from Italy, France, Germany, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. Since they are prioritizing its best quality paper, they are not importing even single sheet of paper from China or made in China yet.
The super characteristic papers usually go with specific purposes.
However, they also have the ten years best selling paper called MORI SILK.
MORI SILK is a paper imported from Oji Paper in Japan, they are using paper mill over 300 years. It is very flexible and no cracking when it bends or folds. It is not like fluorescence white, it is somewhat pale creamy white so that it is perfect to make a book too, moderately shiny, and smooth touch like silk.

The name of this paper was given by Acumen. It is only in Acumen that you can buy MORI SILK in Hong Kong!

Although there are only special luxury papers they handle and the price is high too, looking at these special papers and its textures are the nice experience.

If you have hope for paper samples, they would love to give you some, so if you are interested, then why not?

TYA would also like to use some of the papers in the future.

Thank you for Jeff, who is general manager and one of the founders of Acumen, introduced me the products with enthusiasm.

Through the story, I strongly felt Jeff’s love and passion for paper are the foundation of this business.
Thank you very much!



#まず素材 #料理は素材で決まる #情熱に支えられているビジネスは強い #そして心地いい

The difference between McDonald’s in HK and JP (EN/JP)

I eat breakfast at McDonald’s almost every day since I had come to Hong Kong.
The taste of McDonald’s is the same as in Japan.
I am missing the familiar atmosphere so I have had a breakfast in McDonald’s often in Hong Kong.

McDonald’s in Hong Kong has a monitor for ordering and you can pay by credit card or Octopus card (Prepaid card) at the monitor.
A cash payee can also go to a cash register with a receipt after ordering. The monitor has the language selection menu between Cantonese and English, making it easier to order. As a corporate strategy, I thought that McDonald’s is using digital devices more than manpower.

In some new McDonald’s shops in Japan, there is a panel to check the number of your order, but I think that there is no such flow that you can order from the monitor. As a result, people working in the counter are fewer than in Japanese ones. It could be said that Hong Kong’s McDonald’s doing well at the point of reducing personnel costs.

However, the number of cleaning staff is larger than the Japanese one.

Because Hong Kong people leave the tray on the desk after eating, then the cleaning staff will clean up. I think that there was no staff who is responsible for just dispatching Japanese and American one.

What I enjoyed was that there was a bit of difference in the orange juice. The taste is similar, but because of the idea of Chinese medicine “too cold drinks are not good for the body”, they do not put ice cubes in the cold Orange juice. Even if there is a temperature difference inside and outside of the cup, they seem to be using a material that can avoid drops of water.

Perhaps it was not intentionally designed, but it was a wonderful experience when I drank a cold Orange juice which is no dropping water from the cups.

McDonald’s always indebted to me in Japan. Just going to McDonald’s in Hong Kong to compare not only the taste and menu, I think it is interesting to focus on functional aspects such as how to order, clean up, and work for shop clerks and containers. Please try it!








#朝マック #McDonald’s #tastelikehome #habit #myfavorite #Iloveinit
#tya #hk #design #solution #upgrading #marketing #creative #advertising


Q.  香港のディズニーに関して、現地の人に行かない方がいいと言われたそうでしたが、実際どうでしたか?

A.  香港人が私に行かない方がいいと言うのは、私が日本人で東京の近くに住んでいるのを知ってからでした。東京にもディズニーランドがあるのだからそっちに行けばいい。ということでした。

Q.  香港ディズニーランドは楽しめましたか?
A.  純粋に楽しかったです。今回ディズニーランドに着いたのが、14時頃でした。そして、閉園時間が20時。なので、実質の滞在時間は6時間しかいなかったのが逆に良かったのかもしれないと思っています。というのも先述のとおり、香港ディズニーランドはそこまで広くはないため、日本のと同じように朝早くから行って丸一日満足するのは難しいと思いました。

Q.  キャストがシールを配っていたそうですが…日本にはないサービスですね。
A.  そうです。私もそれを当日まで知らなかったのですが、日本にいるディズニー好きに当日それを聞きました。すべてのキャストがシールを持っていて、こっちから言わないとくれないですがさまざまな種類があり、それを集めるのも一つの楽しみかと思います。エリアやその人の役職によってシールの柄が異なっていました。

Q.  日本人が多かったと聞きました。
A.  行った時期も9月で、世間の夏休みも終わりですが多くの大学生は休み。航空券やホテルが8月より安くなっていることもあり多いように感じました。日本で買ったと思われるアイテムを身に着けてくるようなディズニー好きな人か、関西弁で話す日本ではなかなかディズニーに行けない人が際立っていた気がします。ツアーは調べたところホテルは郊外部、安くディズニーに行けるものから、ディズニー直営のホテルに泊まる値段のするものまでさまざまありました。

Q  香港ディズニーはオススメできそうですか?
A.  ディズニー好きな方や、海外のディズニーランドに行きたいと思う方はぜひ行っていただきたいと思います。また、ディズニーランド行きたいけど東京のはどうも混んでて…という方にもおすすめです。先述のとおり、アトラクションの数は多くはないですし、パークも一つしかありません。やっぱディズニーは大きくないと!という方はぜひ東京のに行ってください。笑
香港ディズニーランドで有名なアイアンマン・エクスピリエンス 2017年1月オープン







